Upcoming events

Lenten Study
Forgiveness is at the heart of our faith. We acknowledge that, through Christ, we are all forgiven, and that due to Christ’s redeeming love there is nothing that can separate us from the possibility of forgiveness. Yet, when we look at our relationships and the world around us, we see little forgiveness being practiced. This Lenten season, we will be reading Archbishop Tutu’s “The Book of Forgiving”.
This 4-week series picks up on the themes of the documentary and offers participants a means of reflecting on and practicing forgiveness in their own lives. Please let the church office know if you are interested in participating.
Sessions begin Wednesday, March 19th @ 12:30

Epicurious Cafe
Want to shake off the late Winter blues and learn some new tips and tricks for the kitchen?
First Congregational Church is proud to host the Epicurious Café.
Our first session will be held Sunday April 6th, at 3pm. Trudy Vermehren will demonstrate the many uses of sourdough starter in making savory and sweet snacks.
Participants will be provided with their own sourdough starter to bring home!
This all-ages event is free to all, due to generous funding by a Wellfleet Cultural Council grant. Space is limited, and pre-registration is required.

The Power of Forgiveness - Film
How do we forgive the unforgivable? How do we build a future that chooses reconciliation over violence and retribution?
Join Pastor Jon and members of Wellfleet Artpeacmakers for a screening of Martin Doblmeier’s “The Power of Forgiveness”. This 75 minute long film asks how we reconcile in the face of some crimes that seem impossible to forgive. The film weaves together interviews with author and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, Vietnamese monk and war-resister Thich Nhat Hanh, as well as looking at case studies on reconciliation in Northern Ireland, in the aftermath of a school shooting, and in coming to terms with the impact of both 9/11 and gang violence.
Join us on April 7th at 6pm at the Wellfleet Public Library to watch the film; discussion to follow.

Lenten Study
Forgiveness is at the heart of our faith. We acknowledge that, through Christ, we are all forgiven, and that due to Christ’s redeeming love there is nothing that can separate us from the possibility of forgiveness. Yet, when we look at our relationships and the world around us, we see little forgiveness being practiced. This Lenten season, we will be reading Archbishop Tutu’s “The Book of Forgiving”.
This 4-week series picks up on the themes of the documentary and offers participants a means of reflecting on and practicing forgiveness in their own lives. Please let the church office know if you are interested in participating.
Sessions begin Wednesday, March 19th @ 12:30

Lenten Study
Forgiveness is at the heart of our faith. We acknowledge that, through Christ, we are all forgiven, and that due to Christ’s redeeming love there is nothing that can separate us from the possibility of forgiveness. Yet, when we look at our relationships and the world around us, we see little forgiveness being practiced. This Lenten season, we will be reading Archbishop Tutu’s “The Book of Forgiving”.
This 4-week series picks up on the themes of the documentary and offers participants a means of reflecting on and practicing forgiveness in their own lives. Please let the church office know if you are interested in participating.
Sessions begin Wednesday, March 19th @ 12:30

Maundy Thursday Dinner & Service
On Thursday April 17th, First Congregational Church will host an Agape meal prior to our Maundy Thursday service.
Agape meals were a feature of the early church; a free meal, open to all, served with agape, or “charitable love.” These meals were one of the ways early Christians spread their message and aided their communities.
We will be holding a simple meal of soup, bread, cheese, nuts, and fruit, before our Maundy Thursday service.
Dinner begins at 5, the service will be held at 6, and a sign-up sheet for the various parts of the meal will be available in Fellowship Hall and online.

Good Friday
On Good Friday, we gather to recall the great sacrifice that lies at the heart of our faith. How could we dare to call a time of desolation and loss "Good"? Join us as we acknowledge the darkness of this time, as we also wait for the coming joy of Easter.

Sunrise Easter Service
Join us for our Easter Sunrise service.
5:45 a.m. at Newcomb Hollow Beach

Easter Sunday
Join us as we celebrate the central miracle of our faith, that out of the darkness of the tomb, new life springs!
Join us as we celebrate everything that Easter means, through worship, song, and prayer!

Lenten Study
Forgiveness is at the heart of our faith. We acknowledge that, through Christ, we are all forgiven, and that due to Christ’s redeeming love there is nothing that can separate us from the possibility of forgiveness. Yet, when we look at our relationships and the world around us, we see little forgiveness being practiced. This Lenten season, we will be reading Archbishop Tutu’s “The Book of Forgiving”.
This 4-week series picks up on the themes of the documentary and offers participants a means of reflecting on and practicing forgiveness in their own lives. Please let the church office know if you are interested in participating.
Sessions begin Wednesday, March 19th @ 12:30

Lenten Study
Forgiveness is at the heart of our faith. We acknowledge that, through Christ, we are all forgiven, and that due to Christ’s redeeming love there is nothing that can separate us from the possibility of forgiveness. Yet, when we look at our relationships and the world around us, we see little forgiveness being practiced. This Lenten season, we will be reading Archbishop Tutu’s “The Book of Forgiving”.
This 4-week series picks up on the themes of the documentary and offers participants a means of reflecting on and practicing forgiveness in their own lives. Please let the church office know if you are interested in participating.
Sessions begin Wednesday, March 19th @ 12:30

Blood Drive
On Friday, February 14th, First Congregational will be hosting a Blood Drive provided by Cape Cod Healthcare.
All donations will remain “on-Cape” to meet the needs of our communities and neighbors.
Pre-registration is required.

Celebration of Love
As Valentine’s Day approaches, come celebrate the love in your life!
Pastor Jon will offer a heart-felt reflection about the many loves we share: love of partners, love of friends and family, love of community, and so many more.
Afterwards, please join us for refreshments and mingling with friends. Prosecco and sparkling cider, along with a variety of sweet and savory treats will be provided.
This event is free and open to all!

Community Lunch
Please join us for our free Community Lunch!
Monday, Feb 3rd - Noon to 1:00pm
(or until soup runs out)
in Fellowship Hall
200 Main Street, Wellfleet
Soup, bread, salad, and dessert
Everyone is welcome!
Lunches will be held the 1st Monday of the month, October-May

Community Building and Nonviolence Workshop - artpeacemakers
In honor of Martin Luther King Day, First Congregational is pleased to host Artpeacemakers (the group that organizes the annual MLK events here in Wellfleet). On Saturday January 11th, APM will be holding a community non-violence training workshop, led by Catharine Hoffman.
Non-violence was a core tenet of Dr. King’s message, which draws upon our biblical traditions of peace making, loving kindness, and “turning the other cheek.” This event is free and open to the public, but does require pre-registration.

Community Lunch
Please join us for our free Community Lunch!
Monday, Dec 2nd - Noon to 1:00pm
(or until soup runs out)
in Fellowship Hall
200 Main Street, Wellfleet
Soup, bread, salad, and dessert
Everyone is welcome!
Lunches will be held the 1st Monday of the month, October-May

Family Candlelight Christmas Eve
Celebrate the “Reason for the Season” with us at First Congregational!
Our family-friendly service will contain familiar Christmas hymns and carols, the reading of the Christmas story, and a special Christmas message from Pastor Jon. Light a candle with us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus!

Longest Night
Are the holidays a difficult time? Do you find yourself missing someone? Grieving a loss? Not where you would hope to be? If the jolly tunes of the season don’t land easily on your ear, we invite you to join us for our Longest Night (Blue Christmas) service. On the night of the Winter solstice -the longest night of the year- we gather for a time of prayer and reflection, as we move from darkness into light.

Christmas Carol Festival
Get in the spirit of the season with our inaugural Christmas Carol Festival.
Come and join in the singing as we present classic and modern Christmas favorites, tell tales “of Christmases long, long ago”, and celebrate as a community. Fun for all ages!

Contemplative Advent Worship
In the midst of all the chaos that seems part and parcel of our holiday season, we invite you to take a moment to be still, to rest in the promise of this sacred time. Our Contemplative Advent worship is a service of piano music, candle light, prayer, and reflection. May this be for all a time of peace and centering, as we anticipate the joy of Christmas.

Christmas Fair
Unsure of what to get that special someone? Especially someone who seems to have everything?
You are cordially invited to the annual Christmas Fair at the First Congregational Church of Wellfleet on Saturday, December 7th.
Browse the treasures made and selected by local craftmakers. Stroll through our non-profit bazaar, and make a donation in the name of someone you love. Take home some cookies and other holiday treats from our talented bakers.
At 11 am, author Rick Cochran will read excerpts from his Wellfleet themed books, including his classic “The Christmas Raffle.” Hear stories from the good old days in Wellfleet.
Be sure to stop by our cafe for soup and sandwiches during your visit!

Blood Drive
On Thursday, December 5th, First Congregational will be hosting a Blood Drive provided by Cape Cod Healthcare.
All donations will remain “on-Cape” to meet the needs of our communities and neighbors.
Pre-registration is required.

Community Lunch
Please join us for our free Community Lunch!
Monday, Dec 2nd - Noon to 1:00pm
(or until soup runs out)
in Fellowship Hall
200 Main Street, Wellfleet
Soup, bread, salad, and dessert
Everyone is welcome!
Lunches will be held the 1st Monday of the month, October-May

Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
On Sunday November 24, First Congregational will host the annual Nauset Interfaith Association’s Interfaith Thanksgiving Service. Join us as we gather with friends and neighbors to celebrate the many blessings in our lives.
The service will begin at 2pm.

Advent Wreath Making and Bake Sale
Get ready for the holidays with First Congregational!
Join us on Saturday, November 23rd beginning at 10am for 2 holiday offerings. Come and purchase delicious pies and other scrumptious baked goods at our annual holiday bake sale.
While you are there, we also invite you to prepare for the season of Advent by making your very own Advent Candle Wreath. Design your own wreath by filling the wreath forms with fresh evergreens and various decorative elements.
Wreaths and candles are provided free of charge; pre-registration is encouraged.

Community Lunch
Please join us for our free Community Lunch!
Monday, Nov 4th - Noon to 1:00pm
(or until soup runs out)
in Fellowship Hall
200 Main Street, Wellfleet
Soup, bread, salad, and dessert
Everyone is welcome!
Lunches will be held the 1st Monday of the month, October-May

Sunday October 27th @ 4pm, Mass Audubon Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary
"Wild Geese"
In Celtic Christianity, wild geese were seen as an expression of the Holy Spirit. Join us at the Mass Audubon Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary as we will observe geese migrating south for the winter. Pastor Jon will provide a reflection based on the work of George MacDonald and Mary Oliver.
“Christ wears “two shoes” in the world: scripture and nature. Both are necessary to understand the Lord, and at no stage can creation be seen as a separation of things from God.” -John Scotus Eriugena
Do you feel a sense of wonder inspired by the natural beauty that surrounds us? Would you like to explore your faith and spirituality, while learning more about this amazing landscape we call home? FOOTPRINTS is an opportunity for people of all ages to learn more about the world around us, to ask questions, and to enjoy a time of reflection and contemplation.
These walks are a partnership between the First Congregational Church of Wellfleet, and a group of local naturalists. Together we will investigate what the worlds of faith and science can teach us about the world around us. While Pastor Jon will often be reflecting on elements of the Christian tradition, FOOTPRINTS is open to people of all faiths (and no faith), who are interested in exploring their unique spiritualities.
Each of our walks will be about an hour long; you may wish to bring a water bottle, and decent walking shoes. The walks will be generally easy, and suitable for all ages.

First Responders Sunday
Join us on Sunday October 27th as we offer our thanks to the members of our community who give so much of themselves to keep us all safe.
During the service we will offer a blessing for firefighters, EMTs, police officers, beach guards, harbor workers and town DMV workers.
Following our service, all are invited to attend a time of fellowship and refreshment to offer our thanks and support.

FOOTPRINTS- Look to the Rock
Sunday September 8th @ 4pm, Duck Harbor
"Look to the Rock"
Join Pastor Jon and Dr. Bob Stewart as they consider the geology (and theology) of Duck Harbor. Dr. Stewart will speak about the hidden stories of the stones we walk across, and Pastor Jon will consider Isaiah’s instruction to: Look to the rock from which you were hewn, and to the quarry from which you were dug. We will meet at the Duck Harbor parking area and will be making the easy walk over the dune to the beach.
“Christ wears “two shoes” in the world: scripture and nature. Both are necessary to understand the Lord, and at no stage can creation be seen as a separation of things from God.” -John Scotus Eriugena
Do you feel a sense of wonder inspired by the natural beauty that surrounds us? Would you like to explore your faith and spirituality, while learning more about this amazing landscape we call home? FOOTPRINTS is an opportunity for people of all ages to learn more about the world around us, to ask questions, and to enjoy a time of reflection and contemplation.
These walks are a partnership between the First Congregational Church of Wellfleet, and a group of local naturalists. Together we will investigate what the worlds of faith and science can teach us about the world around us. While Pastor Jon will often be reflecting on elements of the Christian tradition, FOOTPRINTS is open to people of all faiths (and no faith), who are interested in exploring their unique spiritualities.
Each of our walks will be about an hour long; you may wish to bring a water bottle, and decent walking shoes. The walks will be generally easy, and suitable for all ages.

Scallop Dinner
Visitors and locals alike join us for a fun time and delicious local scallops!
Live music by Denya, Julie & Mark
Join us on Sunday, August 25th 5 pm - 7 pm
Take-out available
GF option by request
BYO Beer & Wine
If you have any questions, please contact wellfleetchurch@gmail.com
Pre-order ends at noon Aug 25th
You can purchase your meal at the event

Cape Cod Chamber Music Festival
The Cape Cod Chamber Music Festival returns to First Congregational!
CCCM is celebrating its 45th year with 3 evenings of music in our historic and acoustically perfect sanctuary. For more information and to purchase tickets visit capecodchambermusic.org. All events begin at 5:30.
August 16th, the Escher String Quartet will be joined by Jon Manasse and Jon Nakamatsu to perform works by Fauré and Brahms.

Friends of the Wellfleet Library Distinguished Speaker Series
The Friends of the Wellfleet Library Distinguished Speaker series returns on Thursday, August 15th
This year's speakers will be author Michael Cunningham and poet Cynthia Zarin.
The event will begin at 7:30 pm, and tickets will go on sale July 1st. For ticket sales and more information, please visit: https://www.wellfleetlibrary.org/friends

Cape Cod Chamber Music Festival
The Cape Cod Chamber Music Festival returns to First Congregational!
CCCM is celebrating its 45th year with 3 evenings of music in our historic and acoustically perfect sanctuary. For more information and to purchase tickets visit capecodchambermusic.org. All events begin at 5:30.
August 9th, Tangent Winds and Jon Nakamatsu will be performing Beethoven's Quintet in E-flat Major for Piano and Winds, Opus 16 as well as works by Barber and Thuille.

Cape Cod Chamber Music Festival
The Cape Cod Chamber Music Festival returns to First Congregational!
CCCM is celebrating its 45th year with 3 evenings of music in our historic and acoustically perfect sanctuary. For more information and to purchase tickets visit capecodchambermusic.org. All events begin at 5:30.
August 2nd, the Borromeo String Quartet will be performing Beethoven's Quartet No. 16 in F Major, Opus 135 and Schubert's Quartet No. 14 in D Minor, D. 810 (“Death and the Maiden”).

Scallop Dinner
Visitors and locals alike join us for a fun time and delicious local scallops!
Live music by Denya, Julie & Mark
Join us on Sunday, July 28th 5 pm - 7 pm
adults $25 | kids $10
-adult scallop salad roll with pasta salad
-kids scallop salad roll with pasta salad or chips
-sandwich kebab (turkey, ham or vegetarian) with pasta salad or chips
GF option by request
BYO Beer & Wine
If you have any questions, please contact wellfleetchurch@gmail.com

Full Moon Beach Bonfire
Join members and friends of First Congregational for a timeless Cape summer tradition: a bonfire at Newcomb Hollow beach! Pastor Jon and Jen will get the fire started around 6:45, and the church will provide s'mores.
Guests are invited to bring a blanket or chair, and a piece of wood to add to the fire. All are welcome!

Invite-A-Friend and Congregational Picnic
Kick off the summer season with food, fellowship and fun!
We welcome friends of our congregation to a special worship service followed by a congregational picnic.