Golden Light

From The Pastor’s Desk—

The month of November makes me feel that life is passing more quickly. In an effort to slow it down, I try to fill the hours more meaningfully.

-Henry Rollins

Mornings in our house start pretty much the same way each weekday. As Jen gets up to take the first shower and get ready for her day, I head downstairs to make tea (for her) and cold brewed coffee (for me). I open up our back door so that our cat, Francis, can chirp at the birds that come to our porch for the seed Jen puts out. Most of the year, this time affords a beautiful view of the sun rising above Duck Creek. But, in the weeks just before the end of Daylight Savings Time, I’ve been going through our morning ritual in the dark.

As the days grow shorter, the quality of the light begins to change. In the morning and evening alike, golden beams slant in through the remaining leaves. The flower stand I frequent on Cole’s Neck road has ceased offering bouquets. All around us, the world is preparing for winter: a time of stillness, of rest, of eventual renewal.

In these waning days we may take our cue from the natural world, and prepare ourselves for the season to come; to, as Henry Rollins suggests, try to fill the hours more meaningfully. Both within the church and with our own families, we will celebrate a time of Thanksgiving, offering our gratitude for the many blessings of our lives. May these coming weeks and days afford you with the opportunity to reflect on all of the ways that you have been blessed, and to offer your thanks to the One who created the glory of golden light, harvest fields, and each one of us.

—Pastor Jon


Sacred Darkness


Golden Days